"Yoga is a journey from the Self to the Self through the Self." - Bhagavad Gita

British Wheel of Yoga Teacher Training

What is the course about?
  • This course will work with the syllabus of the British Wheel of Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (available on the BWY website or from the course tutor)
  • The course focuses on practical teaching techniques and yoga development taught in the context of the philosophy that underpins Yoga.
  • Course Aims include providing a structure to the widening of practical teaching experience and to encourage practical development for the serious student of yoga to begin to professionally share their enthusiasm and knowledge of yoga.
What level is the course?
  • The course is a Yoga Teaching Qualification, equivalent in the current National Educational Credit Framework to a Level 4. This means the Certificate is nationally accepted in the private and public sectors and can form part of your portfolio of qualifications.
  • The course is suitable for any serious student of yoga who wishes to train to teach to a high standard. The student should have attended regular classes for at least 2 years (ideally more) with an approved teacher and may have completed a BWY Foundation Course.
  • Students should be committed enough to invest their time - one or two Saturdays a month, to begin practicing at home, attending weekly yoga classes, and occasional seminars and workshops, completing homework assignments and reading about and reflecting on course subject matter.
  • In addition students are expected to have an understanding of Anatomy and Physiology at Level 3 - this can be taken through BWY as an online learning course.
What will the course cover?
  • The course is intensive. The group will meet on one or two full Saturdays) a month.. There will be 162 contact hours plus much home study. You can expect to have completed 200+ hours by the time you complete your diploma.
  • Students are expected to attend their regular weekly yoga classes, mixed level or above, for the duration of the course.
  • You should be teaching by the second part of the course (about 10 months in) and your teaching will be assessed.
  • The course covers the principles of kinesiology, practical application of A&P to ensure safe practice, sensitive and appropriate modification of posture, the business of setting up your own yoga class and encouragement to get you started, some history and philosophy of yoga with reference to classical texts, the energetic aspects of yoga - including, chakras, mudras and bandhas, aspects of professional teaching including lesson planning and course planning, assessing your students, evaluating your own teaching, class management and the teaching of adults, the practice of both pranayama and meditation. You can also expect to develop a high level of ongoing personal practice and study.
How is the subject matter divided up?
Part 1: Preparing to Teach Yoga
  • Unit 1: Applied anatomy and physiology and the teaching of asana
  • Unit 2: Yoga breathing practices and relaxation
  • Unit 3: Planning for teaching and the role and responsibilities of a yoga teacher
Part 2: The Teaching and Philosophy of Hatha Yoga
  • Unit 4: Planning and delivery of a yoga course
  • Unit 5: Teaching asana: observation, adjustment and protection of vulnerable areas of the body
How will I be taught? How will I know I’m progressing?
  • The theoretical part of the course will be through lecture, discussion and student interaction. The practical elements are through tutor explanation, demonstration and student participation. Home practice and study will be expected. Set assignments will be marked. Work will be done on a computer at home and submitted electronically. There will be ample opportunity for feedback, questions and discussion. Handouts will be provided as occasional paper copies but mainly as computer files and pdf documents.
  • It is expected you will be proactive in your learning. You will also be required to self reflect on your learning.
  • Your progress will be regularly assessed and monitored by the course tutor taking into account class work and homework where appropriate. The tutor will record your progress and provide both formal and informal feedback throughout the course. The BWY provide assessment forms to be completed at the beginning and the end of the course units.
  • The course will be monitored by an internal verifier.
What are the course costs?
  • A detailed breakdown of costs is available on request.
  • The course is training to a high standard. The fee is _______ (after the initial deposit this can be paid in instalments). This fee includes all tuition (including guest tutors), class observation fees and hall hire and the BWY administration fees.
  • You will also need to join the British Wheel of Yoga as a trainee teacher (currently £72.50).
  • You will need to buy or borrow texts books from the reading list.
When and where is the course?
  • All to be confirmed.

How do I apply? What happens next?
  • If you are interested (and have 2 years or more class experience), please check you can commit; talk it through with your partner or family and ensure they are happy for you to invest this time on weekends, then complete and submit the application form- ideally by email as word document attachment. (If you prefer to print and hand write your application you can - email me for the address to post it to.) Make sure you include full contact address, email and phone number(s).
  • If you are successful with your application, I’ll let you know by email or letter. You will then be invited to an introductory day and interview. This is to ensure you are aware of the work required for the course, and that you can ask any questions about the course, or discuss any learning requirements you have. There will be some paperwork to complete and a small amount of simple preparatory work.
  • After the introductory day you will be informed whether of not you have a place on the Course. All this will be detailed in the correspondence, along with venue directions, reading list and any other pre-course information you may need.
Can I go on to do the Diploma after completing the Certificate?
  • Yes, details can be found on the BWY website but essentially this would involve:
  • Unit 6: Hatha yoga and the teaching of pranayama
  • Unit 7: The teaching and philosophy of meditation
  • Unit 8: Progression in yoga

Full details available soon. Scheduled start Autumn 2020, Register your interest now and full details and an application form will be sent in Feb bodhiyogauk@gmail.com