"Teach thy tongue to say, 'I do not know,' and thou shalt progress." — Maimonides


Bram Williams founded Bodhi-Yoga UK in 2004

Bram’s principle current teacher is from the Mahasiddha Yoga School in Oxford, with whom he undertook the British Wheel of Yoga Diploma. Most of the practical, ethical and philosophical study was held at the Samye Ling Buddhist Centre in London, while he was also attending regular classes in the Kashmir Style of Yoga, in Tai Chi and in Kum Nye (Tibetan Healing Practices). His own daily yoga practice has evolved over the years into a subtle, meditative approach to asana (yoga posture) with a large emphasis on pranayama (breath control) as a lead into seated meditation. Studying in mindfulness, and both Shamatha and Vipassana meditation in Northern India a means he is very fortunate to have contact with his teacher there, as well as studying with teachers from the Himalayan Institute in America. Bram also undertook the BWY Meditation Modules with BWY Diploma Course Tutor Maarten Vermasse, and Mindfulness Meditation facilitators Programme with Michael Stone. He recently received permission to share and teach Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga from senior trainers at the Nyingma Centre/Dharma Publishing in the USA. Having trained in many styles and forms of yoga over more than 15 years, Bram’s teaching approach is flexible and adaptable to the needs of a particular group (or individual). The emphasis of his teaching vocabulary stresses breath release, so awareness is directed to the 'sensation' of the posture, rather than on a body aesthetic or idealised end result. A Senior Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance Professionals, a Yoga Elder with the Independent Yoga Network as well as Diploma Course Tutor with the British Wheel of Yoga, Bram is also a qualified Lip Reading Tutor.

Read an interview with Bram: “Meet a Member” from Spectrum Magazine, Summer 2012
Contact: bodhiyogauk@gmail.com